IMAGE 2024

August 26 – 29, 2024   |  Houston, Texas
Visit us at booth #1223

Be part of the discussion at IMAGE 2024. We look forward to sharing news and ideas with you. 

Bill Shea, CEO and Co-Founder, Sharp Reflections

Booth presenations

We value your time and hope you will spend some with us at one or more of the presentations, stand #1223.

Enhancing development well planning with PCube+®inversion

Jesse Buckner, Senior Geophysicist & Cyrille Reiser, Head of Services and Training

12:30 – Lunch & Learn
Go big! Identifying remaining reservoir potential in a regional dual-azimuth broadband 3D dataset

Cyrille Reiser, Head of Services and Training

Automating analysis of elastic property changes in a 4D field

Jörg Herwanger, R&D director & Andy Bottrill, Product Owner

16:00 – 17:45 – Happy Hour

(Presentation starts 16:15)

More to come. A sneak peek of Sharp Reflections 2024.1

Bill Shea, CEO and Co-Founder & Joe Zuech, Head of Product

Enhancing development well planning with PCube+®inversion

Jesse Buckner, Senior Geophysicist & Cyrille Reiser, Head of Services and Training

12:30 – Lunch & Learn
Go big! Identifying remaining reservoir potential in a regional dual-azimuth broadband 3D dataset

Cyrille Reiser, Head of Services and Training

Automating analysis of elastic property changes in a 4D field

Jörg Herwanger, R&D director & Andy Bottrill, Product Owner

16:00 – 17:45 – Happy Hour

(Presentation starts 16:15)

More to come. A sneak peek of Sharp Reflections 2024.1

Bill Shea, CEO and Co-Founder & Joe Zuech, Head of Product

Go big! Identifying remaining reservoir potential in a regional dual-azimuth broadband 3D dataset

Cyrille Reiser, Head of Services and Training

Automating analysis of elastic property changes in a 4D offshore field

Jörg Herwanger, R&D director & Andy Bottrill, Product Owner

More to come. A sneak peek of Sharp Reflections 2024.1

Bill Shea, CEO and Co-Founder, & Joe Zuech, Head of Product

Technical presentation

Tuesday, 27 August 8:00-9:40 am

  • Room 362C
Session AAS P1: AVO Inversion 1
High-resolution litho-elastic inversion reduces geological risk for step-out drilling opportunities in onshore mature field

Sergio R. Mata García1, Alexis Carrillat1, Camron Miller1, Andreas E. Rasmussen2, Stephane Perrier2, Alsing Selnes2, Andrea Lucas1, Israel Reyes1, Pablo Cisneros1, José Rodas1, Patricio Zamora1, Shirley Cadena1, Agustin Paladines1, Benjamin Bonfanti1
1 SLB Fulshear, 2 Sharp Reflections

Tuesday, 27 August 4:55-5:20 pm

  • Room 362C
Session AAS 3: AVO Inversion 2
Relative inversion for extended elastic impedances

Peter Harris, Kathryn Young, Sharp Reflections

Wednesday, 28 August 8:25-8:50 am

  • Room 362B
Session SS 10: Resource and Resource Quantification 1
Using Bayesian inversion for volumetric analysis

Peter Harris, Kathryn Young, Sharp Reflections

Let’s not forget to have some fun