Deep seismic insight for better unconventional drilling decisions
Subsurface characterization in unconventional plays is challenging. The Sharp Reflections platform, powered by HPC, enables users to investigate typically huge, complex and dense multidimensional seismic data volumes at the breakneck speed of unconventional land operations.

An unconventional solution for unconventional challenges
The Sharp Reflections solution begins with rapid data quality assurance, encompasses robust data conditioning processes that can be customized to target specific issues, and includes prestack seismic data inversion for illuminating elastic rock properties.
Interpretation functionalities enable users to visualize and quantify results interactively and iteratively to reveal deep insights in the data, apace with the speed of operations.
Seismic volumes in onshore plays display a continuous subsurface image over large regions, and provide high-resolution 3D views of complex geological structures, allowing for higher certainty estimations of resources, and critical insights into field-scale geomechanical properties.
Reliable and efficient seismic analysis represents a mere fraction of the cost of full well hydraulic completions, and has the potential to impact every stage of development from exploration, appraisal, field development planning, drilling and completions.

When your projects can’t wait
In your business, time and experience are exceedingly precious assets. Sometimes—especially in the unconventional resources arena—you require timely support from reliable experts.
Our professional services team, made up of experienced geoscientists with backgrounds in operator and oilfield services companies, are always ready to execute projects on your behalf or to assist you in your seismic analysis. Either way, collaboration is key. Your reservoir knowledge will be matched by the software expertise and unconventionals knowledge of our service personnel, resulting in reduced drilling uncertainty and timely decisions.
Target the best rocks
Target the best rocks through trustable reservoir property prediction.
Calibrate amplitude responses interactively using existing well data.
Create customized data enhancement workflows to highlight areas of highest resource potential.
Develop strategies to maximize reservoir performance based on reservoir lithology-informed prestack inversion using the Sharp Reflections inversion toolkit.
Notoriously noisy seismic land data makes looking for subtle changes in reservoir properties like porosity difficult. Sharp Reflections software lets users interactively calibrate amplitude responses using their well data, and perform focused inversion using custom lithology fluid classification to achieve greatly improved reservoir property predictions.
Stay in zone
Stay in zone by enhancing resolution and minimizing structural uncertainty.
Generate and visualize full density data quality QCs to inform structural and stratigraphic resolution enhancement strategies.
Assess results in real time using a fully parallelized computing backbone to stay ahead of the bit and minimize uncertainty in geosteering.
Quantify uncertainty in the landing zone like never before.
In a rock formation with a velocity of 10,000 ft/s, an 8 ms moveout on gathers can lead to a significant 80 ft difference in depth. Being able to interactively update seismic interpretation reduces uncertainty and makes it easier to stay in zone while drilling.
Optimize completion designs
Optimize completion designs by predicting 3D geomechanical property variations.
Calibrate seismic data to invert for key geomechanical parameters and generate 3D models of subsurface stress (i.e., Young’s Modulus and Poisson’s Ratio).
Describe the potential of natural fracture density and orientation with the Sharp Reflections azimuthal amplitude and velocity analysis toolkits.
Understand how critical variables in fracture propagation change along the wellbore.
Use maps showing differences in horizontal stress overlaid with stage specific instantaneous shut-in pressures to provide insight into potential fracture propagation changes along the wellbore. Picture courtesy of Lynn Inc.

Innovative services powered by the cloud
Sharp Reflections service delivery experts combine industry and scientific knowledge with hands-on technical skill. Our team includes specialists in unconventional plays who have worked around the world in diverse settings, and are ready to apply their knowledge to your projects as required.
Using the Sharp Reflections software and its full kit of investigative tools, our service consultants are available to help reduce your project turnaround time and get you where you need to be to reach timely decisions about your prospects. Our team either augments your in-house team, or works as a standalone project task force.