Case story
Discovery well validates reservoir-focused gather conditioning and interpretation
Client: Harbour Energy
Location: Indonesia
Sharp Reflections full-volume prestack data QC – health-checks – provide spatial, temporal and angle dependent insights into prestack data quality and fitness-for-purpose and inform decisions for gather conditioning processes and parameterization.
Global AVA compliance
S:N ratio
Multi-client processed angle stacks
Near angle stack
Data courtesy of PGS
Ultra-far angle stack
Data courtesy of PGS
Reservoir-focused conditioned angle stacks
Near angle stack
Data courtesy of PGS
Improved S:N on near angle stack
Ultra-far angle stack
Data courtesy of PGS
Alignment time-shifts, increased bandwidth and improved S:N on far angle stack
Impact of conditioning on AVA response – intercept-gradient cross-plots
Data courtesy of PGS
Discovery well-tie (resistivity log) with EEI fluid volume validates the conditioning and AVA attribute results