Welcome to The GATHERing 2023!
In addition to a full agenda of learning and sharing, we have chosen a special focus this year: certainty.
In fact, we’re so certain that this is a topic of prime importance to all of us, we’ve devoted our keynote session to it. Evaluating Certainty in an Uncertain World brings together a panel of esteemed industry leaders for what promises to be a valuable discussion.
Uncertainty is a fact of life in our industry—it’s something we all grapple with. At Sharp Reflections, we believe that the better we understand where uncertainties lie, the better we can work with them to build more trustable reservoir interpretations and make confident decisions.
We are, as always, eager to spend this time with you. You’re here to learn—and we have plenty to tell, especially about our latest 4D analysis and interpretation tools. You’re also here to think aloud with us, to share your experiences as a Sharp Reflections software user, and to tell us your aspirations for the future.
Let’s get started!
Bill Shea, CEO and Co-Founder at Sharp Reflections
Day 1 – Monday, October 23
12:00 – 14:00
The Nest
Registration & lunch
14:00 – 17:00
Plenary room
Opening session
- Welcome
- Sharp Reflections 2023 Review
- Keynote session: Evaluating Certainty in an Uncertain World
Uncertainty is a fact of life in our industry—it’s something we all grapple with. At Sharp Reflections, we believe that the better we understand where uncertainties lie, the better we can work with them to build more trustable reservoir interpretations and make confident decisions. To discuss this important topic, we have assembled five esteemed panelists...
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Moderator: Anne Siw Berge
Panelists and presentations:
- Uncertainty, probability and bad luck Petter Abrahamsen, Research Director SAND, Norsk Regnesentral
- Would you know a good decision if you saw one? Reidar B. Bratvold, Professor, University of Stavanger
- High-End Imaging: Moving closer to rock properties estimation, Bertrand Caselitz, Chief Geophysicist, PGS
- Improving the decision basis in exploration Erik Finnstrøm, Independent Consultant, EFi Energy Consulting
- A Sharp Reflections perspective Bill Shea, CEO and Co-Founder, Sharp Reflections
OZZO restaurant
Welcome icebreaker & dinner
Let’s gather, spark conversations and have some fun!
Evaluating Certainty in an Uncertain World
Uncertainty is a fact of life in our industry—it’s something we all grapple with.
Five industry leaders discuss the role – and value – of understanding uncertainty in reservoir decision making.
Petter Abrahamsen
Research Director SAND, Norsk Regnesentral
Currently heading a research group of 20 scientists focusing on mathematical modeling of the subsurface, seismic inversion, cost and risk estimation, and decision support for exploration and production of hydrocarbons.
Has worked on developing new methods and software for the petroleum industry since 1988. The main focus has been on developing efficient techniques for describing geological properties by integrating geophysical data and prior geological knowledge. Methods from Bayesian statistics and geostatistics have been the main tools.
I have developed new methods for modeling of sedimentary deposits using 3D stochastic models for rock types (facies) and petrophysical properties (porosity permeability,…). I have developed software and new methods for seismic depth conversion and surface modeling using geostatistical techniques such as kriging and conditional simulation.
Specialties: Geostatistics, spatial statistics, seismic depth conversion, stochastic simulation
Reidar B. Bratvold
Professor, University of Stavanger
Reidar works at the University of Stavanger where he is teaching and supervising graduate students doing research in decision analysis, project valuation, portfolio analysis, real-option valuation and behavioral challenges in decision-making.
Prior to academia, he spent 15 years in the industry in various technical and management roles including as Vice President in Landmark Graphics Corporation in Houston, Managing Director of Smedvig Technology Software Solutions (later Roxar), Senior Scientist with IBM, and Reservoir Engineer with Statoil. He spent his early working years as a roughneck and roustabout on various drilling rigs and production platforms in the North Sea.
Reidar has published a large number of papers on topics such as investment modelling, decision-making, stochastic reservoir modelling, fuzzy logic and reservoir management. He is a co-author of the SPE book Making Good Decisions.
He has three times served as an SPE Distinguished Lecturer. He is the 2017 recipient of the SPE Management & Information Award and the 2015 recipient of the North Sea Region SPE Management & Information award and has been both executive and associate editor for the SPE Economics & Management journal. He is a Fellow in the Society of Decision Professionals and the Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences.
Reidar holds a PhD in petroleum engineering and an MSc in mathematics, both from Stanford University and has business and management science education from INSEAD and Stanford University.
Bertrand Caselitz
Chief Geophysicist, PGS
Bertrand has over 25 years of international industry experience in seismic data processing and has been based in London, Aberdeen, Mumbai, Moscow, and Cairo. He currently holds the position of Chief Geophysicist for PGS Imaging based in Weybridge, UK. He works closely with R&D teams on key processing and imaging developments and has published various papers on subjects including signal processing, deblending, demultiple, imaging and image optimization.
Bertrand has recently been involved into the processing and imaging of 3D Ultra High Resolution seismic data acquired for Offshore Wind.
Erik Finnstrom
Independent Consultant, EFi Energy Consulting
A long time ago, in a place far, far away…., Erik Finnstrom was educated as a Geophysicist at the University of California, earning his Master’s degree in 1981. University was followed by an international career in the oil industry working in Chevron, Norsk Hydro, Statoil/Equinor and TGS as an explorationist, researcher, manager, and executive. Exploration work was mainly in West Africa, South America and the Gulf of Mexico areas.
Erik’s most recent industry positions as SVP for Exploration Excellence in Equinor and then SVP New Ventures in TGS have led to an interest in how to achieve improvements to both the efficiency and effectiveness of exploration for hydrocarbons, as well as team work and the exploration process in general.
Erik is currently spending some time as an advisor, mentor, and minor owner of a start-up, Cognitive GeoInterpretation Inc., which is developing AI tools for analysing and interpreting seismic data.
Bill Shea
CEO and Co-Founder, Sharp Reflections
Bill Shea is the CEO and Co-Founder at Sharp Reflections. He began his career as a research geoscientist for ExxonMobil and Statoil. In 2003 he co-founded Envision AS, where he helped build one of Norway’s largest teams of independent subsurface consultants.
Driven by an innovative mindset and a sharp appreciation for technological advancements, Bill recognized the immense potential and benefits that high-performance computing (HPC) could bring to seismic visualization and interpretation. Together with partners from Fraunhofer ITWM, they embarked on a mission to harness and deliver these advantages to geophysicists working in the energy sector. PreStack Pro (now Sharp Reflections software) was launched commercially in 2010. Today widely recognized as the industry’s premier Big Data software platform for seismic analysis.
As an entrepreneur, Bill continually pushes the boundaries, exploring novel ways to leverage the power of technology to accelerate insight and improve decisions.
Day 2 – Tuesday, October 24
Hands-on (parallel tracks)
Exercises for new users
- Prestack data visualization, offset-to-angle transformation
- Introduction to forward seismic modeling
- Amplitude variation with Angle (AVA) modelling
- AVA mapping and analysis
Well calibrated processing workflows
An integrated workflow for generating AVO compliant data for AVO and inversion.
- Comparisons to actual processed seismic
- Processing with amplitude in focus (Johan Sverdrup)
- Incorporating relative inversion in processing tests
- BONUS: New ML processing algorithms
Track 3
08:30 – 12:30
Breakout room 3
From 4D features to a complete workflow
A comprehensive look at new Foundation Project V features and how it can be combined into integrated workflows from QC to well placement.
- From 1D to 3D time shift calculations and analysis – compare and contrast
- 1D seismic modelling of discrete production scenarios
- Test drive new multidimensional cross plotting
12:30 – 13:30
The Nest
13:30 – 13:50
Plenary room
Making you a super hero!
Support & training the recipe for success
13:50 – 17:00
Plenary room
Knowledge exchange – User stories
(15-30 minute presentations)
- Reducing reservoir uncertainties in a new field development using pre-stack seismic, Hamit Akalin, Principal Geophysicist, Equinor
- Appraisal of a Norwegian Continental Shelf Jurassic discovery using PCube+, Jostein Herredsvela, Senior Geophysicist, Wintershall DEA
- 4D seismic interpretation of Ekofisk LoFS (PRM) data in PreStack Pro, Per Gunnar Folstad, Director Geophysical Integration, ConocoPhillips Norge
- Implementing software workflows on an Indonesian discovery, David Jessup, Consultant Geophysicist, Harbour Energy
- Using PCube+ to identify infill locations in a mature producing asset, Andreas Rasmussen, Senior Geophysicist, Sharp Reflections on behalf of Shaya Ecuador S.A.
- Implementing the new ML add-on to Sharp Reflections software, Norman Ettrich, Team Lead Seismic, Fraunhofer ITWM
- New outputs from PCube+, Eyvind Aker, Norsk Regnesentral
17:45 – 23:00
Space Expo Noordwijck & De Duinen
Event dinner
- Bus leaves from hotel at 17:45
- Drinks and guided tour of Space Explo Noordwijck
- A 15-minute walk to Villa De Duinen for dinner
- Bus returns to hotel at 23:00
Day 3 – Wednesday, October 25
08:30 – 10:00
Plenary room
Sneak preview of Sharp Reflections 2023 release
Live demonstration of new capabilities
Journey 1
10:20 – 11:15
Plenary room
Sharp Reflections 4D workflows workshop
10:30 – 11:15 Breakout sessions with our experts
11:15 – 12:00 Feedback from breakout sessions and open forum discussions
Journey 2
10:20 – 11:15
Breakout room 3
Sit down, one-on-one, with a Sharp Reflections team member for a software therapy session
12:00 – 13:00
The Nest
The official GATHERing 2023 program ends with lunch
Packed lunch will be made available. Contact or email Dorle Danter.
13:00 – 16:00
Plenary room
Foundation Project V Steering Committee Meeting
Planning for year three of the program and release 2024