Azimuthal toolkit

Azimuthal toolkit

Rich-azimuth acquisition methods improve seismic image quality by increasing target illumination, boosting signal-to-noise, and accounting for strata-parallel velocity effects. Interpretation is commonly carried out on full-azimuth partial angle stacks, which average traces in all azimuth directions. However, splitting the resulting gathers and stacks into partial-azimuth sectors can help to quality-assure the amplitude information, identify azimuthal anisotropy, and select the best azimuth combinations for structural interpretation.

The Sharp Reflections AZI toolkit provides all the tools needed to leverage today’s rich-azimuth datasets. Our multidimensional seismic data model preserves all offsets, angles and azimuths, and allows optimal data conditioning, including azimuth-dependent residual moveout corrections. AZI data visualization helps you to minimize uncertainty in your structural  interpretations, develop deeper, purer views of your reservoir, and avoid shallow drilling hazards.

Utilize all data sectors—including wide and full azimuth—to illuminate structures with complex geometries.


Our amplitude analysis tools are also azimuth aware, and automatically generate maps for all angles and azimuth sectors. Users can quickly identify anisotropic velocity and amplitude effects that can be used to predict mechanical stability of overburden layers, and fracture distribution in tight, unconventional reservoirs.



Common-offset, common-azimuth sectoring


Interactively stack COV/common offset, common azimuth (COCA)/common incident, common azimuth (CICA) gathers by selecting any set of gather traces


Azimuthal velocity estimation


Amplitude vs azimuth (AVAZ)


Velocity vs azimuth (VVAZ)

Powered by the AZI toolkit


Assess the optimal orientation for data illumination and create associated stack and attribute maps in real time.


Stack data along any azimuth or any incident angle, and analyze huge multidimensional volumes so efficiently that the full-area dataset can be used throughout your workflow.


Track horizons in multiple dimensions to quickly understand structural uncertainties and generate more robust analysis of velocity anisotropy on specific events.


Estimate azimuthal amplitude attributes on horizons or in the full volume to exploit anisotropy for fractured reservoir detection.

Unlocking the value of multi-dimensional data

Sharp Reflections offers a suite of interactive tools on a single platform, coupled with a unique, flexible multidimensional data model powered by high performance computing (HPC). The model collects data into single objects for exceptionally fast multidimensional data computations and interactions.

How does the HPC powered model help with your AZI interpretation workflow?

Sharp Reflections makes working with full-azimuth seismic data fast and flexible. Use the AZI toolkit for full-azimuth prestack interpretation. Interrogate AVAz (amplitude variation with azimuth) / VVAz (velocity variation with azimuth) attributes. Validate residual moveout analysis for different azimuth sectors to enhance data quality in structurally complex geological settings (e.g. subsalt, steeply dipping and/or faulted beds). Use the Prestack Data Enhancement (PRO) processing toolkit to address areas of concern within the full-fidelity data volume, or to highlight areas of higher risk and uncertainty, and prevent over-analysis of data that has poor imaging or amplitude fidelity.

Everything you need to analyze complex structures

What you don’t know may hurt you! The Sharp Reflections AZI toolkit provides full-azimuth and full-fidelity prestack interpretation to highlight areas of high risk and uncertainty.

How does it work?

How does the AZI toolkit improve understanding of complex geological structures? Your industry colleagues asked for details; our experts answered. Join the dialogue…

Key technical capabilities

Common-offset, common-azimuth sectoring

Create sectored gathers on the fly, with full control over density of azimuth and offset bins


Optional 5D trace interpolation can be switched on and off to fill all sector bins


Intuitive data density plots to guide choice of parameters and show population of common offset vector (COV) traces for any sector selection

Interactively stack COV/common offset, common azimuth (COCA)/common incident, common azimuth (CICA) gathers by selecting any set of gather traces
Azimuthal velocity estimation

The residual moveout (RMO) analysis tool now automatically loops over all azimuths and outputs a velocity ellipse containing Vfast, Vslow, and direction of Vfast


Results can be fed directly to the velocity versus-azimuth (VVAZ) analysis modules

Amplitude vs azimuth (AVAZ)

Extract amplitudes at all angles and azimuths


Compute azimuthally dependent and azimuthally averaged amplitude versus offset (AVO) attributes


Display maps of intercept, averaged gradient, azimuth gradient, and anisotropic direction


Interrogate and assess confidence with misfit analysis

Velocity vs azimuth (VVAZ) 

Determine azimuthal RMS velocity ellipse parameters from horizon travel times or azimuthal RMO


Invert to Vint between two layers using anisotropic Dix method


Results reported as Vfast, Vslow, and azimuth of Vfast


Display maps showing magnitude and direction of Vfast and Vslow


Estimation of amplitude anisotropy along horizons or full 3D volumes

To learn from our experts how to do all this in a real project, sign up for this course:

Dive into the details

Sharp Reflections software equips users to explore complex, multidimensional data volumes interactively using five toolkits. Users move smoothly across the entire spectrum of workflows, from data processing and conditioning through to 4D time-lapse interpretation, all on one platform.


Improve illumination and understanding of complex geological structures.

All the data for the best decisions

Sharp Reflections is the industry’s only software platform built on a powerful compute and display engine designed specifically for HPC, for use on your premises or in the cloud.

Our integrated platform enables you to start analyzing and interpreting seismic data as soon as processing begins. No information is wasted as you reduce uncertainty and fine tune your reservoir characterization to help achieve trustable exploration, drilling and production decisions.