4D Time-Lapse toolkit

4D Time-Lapse toolkit

4D seismic reservoir monitoring is used to track temporal changes in seismic response related to hydrocarbon production. 4D results help to optimize production, enhance recovery, and improve overall reservoir management in large oil and gas fields. Time-lapse is also important in screening the longterm integrity of CO2 storage reservoirs. Results can be used to track injected CO2 plumes and monitor cap rock integrity.

Frequent monitoring helps pinpoint remaining drilling opportunities in producing fields. Fast-track analysis techniques and tight collaboration between processors and interpreters is required to ensure rapid turnaround of time-lapse results.

Reservoir teams have limited time for integrating 4D insight into overall reservoir management decisions, so speed and accuracy are vitally important.  

The Sharp Reflections 4D Time-Lapse toolkit dramatically shortens analysis cycle time with a unique, multivintage approach. Angle stacks, 4D attributes and horizon maps are all treated as multivintage objects. Data from all vintages are analyzed in  emory, to accelerate computation and simplify visualization of 4D differences. Dedicated multivintage workflows automate repetitive tasks to reduce analysis time.

Key capabilities


Map, analyze and interpret production induced 4D seismic effects with speed, efficiency and confidence


Simulate and analyze the effect on the 4D response of production and reservoir scenarios, such as pressure and saturation changes or thickness and porosity variations


Increase interpretation interactivity and reduce the complexity of data handling with the unique HPC multidimensional data model


Scan time-lapse differences on the fly, without the need to calculate and store time-lapse difference volumes


Spend more time on 4D analysis and less time on “driving software” by reducing and automating repetitive tasks

Powered by the 4D Time-Lapse toolkit


Integrate time-lapse seismic analysis from gathers into final map interpretation


Improve signal/noise ratio, improve repeatability and prepare data for interpretation by integrating with the other toolkits (PRO, AZI, QAI)


Use dedicated tools for multi-vintage processing, 4D amplitude and timeshift analysis, 4D modeling and 4D inversion


Perform ultra-efficient analysis of multiple attributes, on multiple horizons, between multiple vintages by interactively scrolling through the data to pinpoint changes and improve interpretation


Perform cross-plot and map-analysis with surgical masks using linked viewers


Quickly and efficiently perform repeatable time-lapse analysis on ocean bottom nodes and cable (OBN, OBC) data for timely interpretation

Unlocking the value of multi-dimensional data

Sharp Reflections offers a suite of interactive tools on a single platform, coupled with a unique, flexible, multidimensional data model powered by high-performance computing (HPC). The model collects data into single objects for exceptionally fast multidimensional and multivintage data computations and interactions.

How does the 4D Time-Lapse toolkit take advantage of the HPC powered multidimensional data model?

The built-in power of HPC enables you to get results faster while digging deeper into the data.

The multidimensional data model places multiple vintages of prestack gathers or angle stack seismic data in 5D “ensembles” of traces, with vintage and offset/angle as additional dimensions. This has several advantages for data management, processing and display.

In data management, the user handles only one multidimensional data volume instead of multiple vintages, with several angle band stacks per vintage. Tracking data through a processing sequence becomes significantly less cumbersome: The data model allows algorithmic processes to be applied simultaneously to all vintages, making parameterization less error prone and significantly faster. As for data display, the model enables interactive visualization of data in gather and vintage directions, on-the-fly calculation of attribute volumes, and interactive display of 4D difference volumes and maps.

Empower your team to place the next infill well with confidence

Finding undrained reservoir compartments saves costs by exploiting existing infrastructure. With the Sharp Reflections 4D Time-Lapse toolkit, you can work interactively with multivintage seismic datasets to gain insight into production-induced seismic effects with greater speed, efficiency and confidence.

How does it work?

How does the 4D Time-Lapse toolkit enhance your understanding of the quality of your time-lapse seismic data and of production induced seismic effects? Your industry colleagues asked for details; our experts answered. Join the dialogue…

Processing geophysicist
Reservoir Interpreter and Quantitative Interpreter (QI) specialist

Key technical capabilities

Core functionality for analysis and interpretation

Vintage axis in 5D data model facilitates efficient time-lapse data processing, analysis, visualization and data management


Multivintage tools and workflows allow concurrent gather conditioning, cross-equalization, analysis and interpretation of multivintage seismic data


Automated comparison tools facilitate comparisons between monitor surveys and a user-defined baseline survey


Horizon decks create a collection of interpreted horizons and infill ghost horizons, enabling simultaneous extraction and storage of horizon and layer attributes for each horizon and layer in the deck


Efficient viewers and spin-box controls support browsing along all five data dimensions of the vintage data, and show on-the-fly time-lapse differences


Amplitude variation with angle (AVA) analysis and 4D inversion analyze and evaluate the time-lapse amplitude-vs-angle signal for reservoir pressure and saturation changes


Map-based time-lapse attribute analysis creates and enables examination of horizon and interval based time-lapse attributes, using map displays and linked cross plots

Dedicated tools for time-lapse processing, modeling, inversion and analysis

4D data quality metrics measure and report repeatability between vintages, also after gather conditioning and cross-equalization of multivintage data


Time-lapse cross-equalization corrects frequency, amplitude, phase and arrival time differences between vintages using trace-by-trace or global matching of time-lapse datasets


Time-lapse time shift estimation and correction tools to measure, correct and analyze production induced time-lapse time shifts and time strains


What-if scenario modeling of the expected time-lapse seismic signal from blocky models or well-log scenarios of fluid and pressure substituted subsurface models

To learn from our experts how to do all this in a real project, sign up for this course:

Dive into the details

Sharp Reflections software equips users to explore complex, multidimensional data volumes interactively using five toolkits. Users move smoothly across the entire spectrum of workflows, from data processing and conditioning through to 4D time-lapse interpretation, all on one platform.

All the data for the best decisions

Sharp Reflections is the industry’s only software platform built on a powerful compute and display engine designed specifically for HPC, for use on your premises or in the cloud.

Our integrated platform enables you to start analyzing and interpreting seismic data as soon as processing begins. All information contained in the data is mined as you reduce uncertainty and fine tune your reservoir characterization to help achieve trustable exploration, drilling and production decisions.